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Nicknames for boys (#Boy)


Registered nicknames of boys

More nicknames for boys

gera888as MaDCaT DamnWalkinG EgorionPlay Сова Района RvttenSxciety. Leonardo_Desantiago Pxdlie V972 -BiG-BAPBAP Snowguard FoldingStorm Judge_1987 Endizzy XW1stowzz Limon Dash senpachdev WESERTY123 everyourude Shumbtw blaagoo MEDUSA FRODOR jik123 DragonAbyss GCatMan Muffins AleQuadre Outs1de Avineja DavaCreative 広nabızz7 A.Yolkin Vitaly_Romanov WWLF Wakkari Stentix Zig3r1k Wa1ber kizachous Rjujukin ಥ‿ಥ MemoriaVirtud Cutekotik CharmYarması DenDomofon Rooklind G1TLER Skesov Kioto Sergey Local Phantom_CFG [Legit] sSpy NoSANxei t0kkaaa Stavi Новый логин numbernotavailable eskander727 Alastor Stâłker

Register your nickname

Nickname Generator for boys

First letter of the nickname:
Number of letters:

See also: Advanced nickname generator

How to come up with a nickname for a guy

There are many ways to pick a guy's nickname for social networking sites, chat rooms, and video games. It's not as hard as it sounds, especially with our tips.

  • Think about where you'll use your nickname: it should fit your goals.
  • Take your real name and modify it, for example shorten it.
  • Think up a unique nickname based on your personality. What word best describes you?
  • Do you like sports, travel, or video games? Be sure to reflect that in your nickname.
  • Look for examples of nicknames in books, movies, and video games.
  • Nicknames don't have to be serious. With a little self-irony and a fun name, you’re good to go! Everyone likes people with a good sense of humor.
  • Do you want English-speaking users to understand you? Write your nickname with English letters. If the audience is mainly your compatriots or other foreigners, then use your own local language or any foreign language.

Nickname statistics of boys

  • Average length of nicknames: 8.86 symbols.
  • Average age of users: 24 years.
  • Number of words in the nicknames for boys:
  • Nickname distribution by gender:

See also: Detailed statistics for all nicknames


Hashtag is associated with the Real life Real life category and is used in 59 nicknames. Related hashtags: #man #sexyboy #мальчик #парень #male #guy #мужчина #мужик #goodguy #boys

Certificates of registered nicknames with hashtag #Boy

Certificate for nickname SnowCalmth, registered to: Вадим Дмитриевич Довганюк (
Certificate for nickname Muha Takahashi, registered to: Шарипова Р. Р.
Certificate for nickname Rude, registered to: everyourude
Certificate for nickname Germany_Miky, registered to:
Certificate for nickname iskander-ALEX, registered to: Искандер Алекс 4PDA.RU
Certificate for nickname FeIN, registered to:

Register your nickname Nickname Generator