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Nicknames for Discord


Discord is a free chat app that lets people chat via text, voice, or video over the Internet. It supports video conferencing. Users can write messages in both private and public chats. It was developed specifically for gamers.

Registered nicknames of Discord users

More nicknames for Discord

Discord™ DiscordManage Discord_123 Discord Discord Bots Turkey Discord.Pro Discord YT Discords Rate DisCordie Discord34 Discordia DiscordYaz Discordius New Discord N1 shirlekmelek Luann furkw Zzistaken tyco EmptyFan111 Empaparse INW33 Legreunds diseed StreamKing H1karu strafetrick Quantum Lunev Risk Hightower Venys 228 lewdwaffe Flazzre Mxstwvntxd x1ba fresNo DoctorCaptainR gidro Votser HeniKs ZeTTiii LilPunch ItsiiDanoN Rap Legend YDTK_911 psybladeking Szajman Lexena wozlfin Lütfiş invvi Mindoul Heateen Vuisaho LOKER BrusherZZZ vhsher etibot mtorosenko Mr. Lucky Player

Register your nickname

Nickname Generator for Discord

First letter of the nickname:
Number of letters:

See also: Advanced nickname generator

How to come up with a nickname for Discord

Would you like to communicate online with your friends, while playing a video game? Then you need to use such convenient platforms as Discord. It lets you chat via text and voice. To start using this app, you will first have to choose a unique nickname.

  • You can take your real first name and last name as the basis, playing around with them. For example, think of a famous character whose name is similar to yours.
  • Associate your nickname to the theme of your favorite games so that other users could know about your preferences.
  • Use English letters if you're going to communicate with English-speaking users, or you can use your own local language or any foreign language if your main audience will be your compatriots or foreigners.
  • Discord nicknames can contain most valid Unicode characters. Nicknames can be 1 to 32 characters long. Names cannot include the following special characters: @, #, :, `` `.
  • It is best to use a Discord nickname that is about 8 characters long.
  • Discord users are mostly around 20 years old, so focus on this audience when choosing a nickname.

Nickname statistics of Discord users

  • Average length of nicknames: 8.14 symbols.
  • Average age of users: 24 years.
  • Number of words in the nicknames for Discord:
  • Nickname distribution by gender:

See also: Detailed statistics for all nicknames


Hashtag is associated with the Social media and services Social media and services category and is used in 1357 nicknames. Related hashtags: #дискорд #discordgroup #дисокрд #discordbot #discordserver #discord_name #discordname

Certificates of registered nicknames with hashtag #Discord

Certificate for nickname Zerdest, registered to:
Certificate for nickname Anarhisstt, registered to: Малюко Тимур Русланович
Certificate for nickname DezZzO, registered to:
Certificate for nickname KebabEmperor, registered to: Yusuf Kenan
Certificate for nickname WIZZARD, registered to: Таран Николай Николаевич
Certificate for nickname NASRAL, registered to:

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